2010年6月2日 星期三

TAAA Law Seminar 6/5 Saturday


台灣同鄉會將於六月五日下午兩點整 舉辦一場法律座談會, 主講人為 Asa Markel. Mr. Markel和他夫人 Hui 均 為台灣同鄉會會員, 目前是Phoenix的執業律師, 專 攻國際貿易法律. 當天演講的內容 著重在 國際貿易法律 和關稅法則.

台灣同鄉會會長暨所有理事 誠摯的邀請您與會共襄盛舉

As consistent with our annual tradition, we will have a law seminar this year. Our speaker will be Asa Markel; he is an attorney here in Phoenix who specializes in import export law. Asa and his wife Hui are also TAAA members. His topic will be import export and custom law. The time and date of the seminar - 2:00 p.m. on June 5.
We will have one (or even two) health related seminar again later this summer.

Date: 6/5/10
Time : 2:00-4:00 pm
Location: ASU, MU 302 @ Third Floor